Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Zack Scott's HP Work Finally Out of the Closet

One of the challenges we have as reps is trying to keep current on the launch dates for campaigns/assignments our artists work on, so that when they go public, we are ready to get out there with our PR guns blazing and spread the word about their connection to the work. Dates are either tough to get, or move, or everyone has moved on to other things by the time the images appear, and we consistently seem to be behind the eight ball as a result.

Zachary Scott's campaign for HP's One-Touch printers is a good example. We only recently managed to round up all of the ads, even though we shot it early in the Fall - and that's NOT the fault of anyone being uncooperative at the agency. It's the nature of the beast. The campaign was a global initiative, and required around 50 days of work internally to prepare all of the materials so they could be accessed from anywhere in HP's universe. At this point, the production is a distant memory, but I do remember it requiring a Herculean effort from everyone involved to pull it off and meet the deadlines. Kudos and hugs to our friends at Goodby Silverstein & Partners who came up with and sold the work, ACD Brian Gunderson and GD Ryan Meis; the tireless team of GSP Art Buyers who juggled the multiple teams, the budget and the schedule to bring the images to fruition, Dan Southwick and Katie Borzcik; and our very own propmeister, John Robinson, who always manages to pull rabbits out of his, uh, hat. Finally, Megan Sluiter did her usual magnificent managing of the production, keeping the client's happy and me out of harm's way...and, oh yea - Zack kicked ass as usual.

The "Touch" campaign was followed immediately with a smaller, but no less cooler effort supporting HP's toners, which you can see below.

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